Unicorn Overlord review – endless options propel this strategy RPG to epic heights

Building an ideal party is one of my favourite things to do in any roleplaying game where the cast size matches a Wes Anderson flick – purely because, in the good ones, there’s no right answer. You can prioritise your most-loved companions over any real strategic logic. Heck, I sometimes just pick the characters who I think look cute together, regardless of whether they’ve spent any on-screen time together. Unicorn Overlord is a strategy RPG all about that lovely party tinkering, and this time, the cast is instead as big as one of those animated sitcoms that have been on air across a couple centuries.

That almost sounds like too much to manage, but I promise it’s not. Unicorn Overlord starts small. The evil Zenoiran Empire sweeps through a high fantasy world, seizing large swaths of land, murdering the Queen, and displacing the only living heir to the throne who later grows into a resistance-leading warrior (AKA you, AKA Alain.) Heard any of that before?

Unicorn Overlord plays with overfamiliar tropes throughout its entire 50-ish hour runtime (there’s a lot of side stuff to dig into, by the way), though that didn’t really bother me because – with over 60 unique characters plus ones that you can create and “hire” yourself – the game shines when it’s dishing out piecemeal vignettes that slowly contextualise its world.

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