Rainbow Six Siege will punish fans of friendly fire, for multiple matches at a time

Rainbow Six Siege is all about playing tactically. As tempting as it may be to shoot that one teammate who reinforced the wrong wall at 3am (seems that this is what our own writer, Connor, likes to get up to), Ubisoft are enacting harsher sanctions for players who abuse the ability to fire at their allies.

Players of Rainbow Six Siege may already be familiar with Reverse Friendly Fire, a mechanic added to the game by Ubisoft back in 2019. Those who repeatedly fire at teammates will eventually encounter RFF, and when this happens, any damage inflicted on teammates is reflected back to the player. It seems that RFF isn’t enough to stop some players from griefing their teams, however.

As a result, Reverse Friendly Fire will be changing when the next Siege update, Operation Vector Glare, rolls out on June 7. RFF will still be in place, and for offenders, it’ll remain in place for much longer than the remainder of that match. Instead, the RFF sanction will last for multiple matches.

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