Leaked Overwatch 2 trailer shows off a brand new character: Sojourn

Uh oh, it looks like a gameplay video for one of the new Overwatch 2 characters has been leaked ahead of schedule. First reported by VGC earlier today, it looks as though the trailer was accidentally released on the official Taiwanse youtube channel before the planned release date.

While it was taken down swiftly, dexterous internet warriors managed to snatch it before it went down, allowing us all to get an early peek at what this new Canadian character can do in tense multiplayer matches.

Speaking of, what’s Sojourn’s deal? Well, judging from the video she comes packing a railgun with two distinct firing modes: one that shoots out rapid fire bullets, while the other releases one gigantic blast that deals massive damage all at once. Not only that, Sojourn comes with a dedicated slide ability that allows you to duck under enemy attacks and look stylish all at the same time.

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