Done watching the Fallout series? You should hop on Fallout 76

A complete disaster at launch, Fallout 76 had to earn players’ trust back over the years. Has it succeeded? I’d say it’s been in pretty good shape for around three years or so now. In fact, I already rambled about how you should’ve played it ahead of Starfield last year. Now, with the shockingly great Fallout series out in the wild, perhaps it’s the perfect time to either jump into it for the first time or return and see what’s changed.

It turns out that things in Appalachia have been so good in recent times the game’s fifth birthday even had Sheogorath himself, Wes Johnson, in attendance. The massive game continues to receive new content, seasons, and sizable updates that keep tinkering with an online RPG which launched as Rust but Fallout (and bad). By now, some Fallout diehards would even claim that it’s better than a few of the single-player installments.

So, what happened exactly? I’d say the biggest leap forward was made in spring 2020, right in the middle of the Covid pandemic. That’s when the Wastelanders update arrived, reworking the already functional game into the ‘Fallout but online’ RPG that wasn’t delivered at launch. You know, something with a traditional main questline, human NPCs, factions, a dialogue system, etc. The game changed overnight, and new players started coming in.

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