Acquiring Elden Ring’s most powerful summon previously involved being possessed by a Mimic Tear

Anyone who played Elden Ring for any length of time will extol the virtues of Spirit Ashes – the AI warriors and monsters you can summon to aid you. The game has plenty of these designed for different scenarios, and players have been bringing them along to major boss fights and challenging areas.

But one summon in particular has been… controversial. The Mimic Tear (found in the Eternal City of Nokron secret area) simply spawns a copy of your own character, warts and all. By calling on it, you effectively have another one of you fighting alongside you.

Needless to say, Elden Ring players quickly realised that they can create boss-destroying loadouts for their mimics, and then switch back to their standard loadout after summoning it. Having earned quite the reputation, FromSoftware ended up nerfing the Mimic Tear in a subsequent patch.

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