Why The Elder Scrolls 6 should look to the past to create a better future for the series

As we keep waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6 and – way before that – Starfield, us veteran Elder Scrolls fans keep wondering about where Bethesda might take the long-awaited sixth mainline entry of their big fantasy series.

Of course, we are almost sure at this point about where it’s literally going: either High Rock or Hammerfell, maybe even both. But what about everything else? More importantly, what about the unavoidable rework of its moment-to-moment gameplay and RPG systems? And beyond those elements, how big can it reasonably be?

As I discussed in my previous The Elder Scrolls 6 speculation piece, most folks are looking at Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls Online to fantasize about the next game. And that’s not a mistake, especially if we consider the ridiculous amount of Skyrim re-releases we’ve had in little more than a decade; that game is hugely important for Bethesda Game Studios. Even though Oblivion made the franchise mainstream thanks to its key role as one of Xbox 360’s early must-plays, Skyrim’s shadow is nearly impossible to escape and has shaped the entire open-world genre, RPG or not.

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