WarioWare: Get It Together! review: fantastic mini-game mayhem with a multiplayer twist

Let me get the important bit out of the way right at the start. If you, like me, were concerned when you saw that this new WarioWare title involves controlling characters rather than just abstract concepts – don’t worry. The manner of control may have slightly changed, but the series’ abstrawackiness is completely intact – and it’s still brilliant.

In fact, the Switch’s first WarioWare title is closer to its beloved predecessors than I ever expected. The concept remains simple: you’re presented with a suite of ultra-short mini-games (micro-games, if you will) that last a couple of seconds each. The game screams a command at you (for instance “plug!” or “hit it”) and your job is to perform that action quickly before the time expires. Win or lose, it’s then on to the next micro-game. The more tasks you successfully complete in quick succession, the faster each game becomes – and this continues until you run out of lives, or until you beat the stage’s boss game if you’re over in story mode.

All this will be familiar to players of the other classic WarioWare titles. Where Get It Together differs is in how you complete these games. Now, you’ll be cast as one of an eclectic cast of characters who actually move around the micro-game and can interact with it. Each character has unique abilities that mean the way they might solve each puzzle is relatively unique, too.

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