Valorant’s latest patch finally buffs Phoenix, makes further changes to Yoru and KAY/O

That time has rolled around once more, as the latest patch for Valorant has rolled out of Riot Games HQ with patch 5.01. This update is undoubtedly going to make a few players rejoice.

It’s been an incredibly long time coming, but finally, Phoenix has been in receipt of a few small buffs. Phoenix, the fire guy, was one of the first agents in the Valorant roster of heroes, and has slowly slipped into the sidelines with the introduction of new, stronger characters to choose from.

Fans have been demanding to see Phoenix and Cypher buffed for a while, and in a Reddit AMA about characters a short while back, developers confirmed that the two would be in receipt of some tweaks sooner or later. With Phoenix finally receiving his, it’s only a matter of time before we inevitably see a few changes made to Cypher too. Well, we can hope.

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