Tag: valorant

Valorant removes randomness from map selection, killing back-to-back Icebox at last

Valorant removes randomness from…

Have you ever logged into a game of Valorant and tore your eyes out after three back-to-back matches of…
Valorant patch 4

Valorant patch 4.09 nerfs…

Just when you think the current meta for Valorant couldn’t be shaken up further, Riot Games release yet another…
Riot will buff Valorant’s Phoenix and Cypher, per Reddit AMA

Riot will buff Valorant’s…

Recently, Riot Games had a few members of their team conduct an AMA on Reddit to discuss all things…
Valorant Episode 4 Act 3 announced with Fade, Battlepass and RGX 2 bundle revealed

Valorant Episode 4 Act…

That time has rolled around again. Players are rushing to complete their Battlepass and earn a higher rank as…
Valorant’s latest update teases Agent 20 with map changes in The Range

Valorant’s latest update teases…

The 4.07 patch for Valorant is live now. While the patch itself is one of the smaller updates we’ve…
Valorant agent 20 leak spills details on BountyHunter

Valorant agent 20 leak…

Valorant has, frankly, been taking the tactical first-person shooter genre by storm since it’s initial launch back in June…