Tag: Grand Theft Auto IV

Why does GTA 3’s moon change shape when you snipe it? Because some Rockstar devs couldn’t settle a tiff

Why does GTA 3’s…

Why does the moon in GTA 3 change size whenever you shoot it with a sniper rifle? It’s a…
Bully 2 may have been killed by stretching resources too thin, layoffs – report

Bully 2 may have…

Game Informer’s Blake Hester published a detailed report all about the Bully 2 that might have been and what…
Rockstar canned Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto 4 remasters after GTA trilogy backlash

Rockstar canned Red Dead…

Rockstar Games had plans to release a remaster of both Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto 4, a…