Tag: bethesda game studios

Fallout TV Show co-creator Jonathan Nolan wants a shot at tying up Westworld’s loose ends

Fallout TV Show co-creator…

While the mainstream conversation surrounding Westworld seemingly fell off a cliff once season three started and the setting and…
If you want to play Fallout 4 before the TV series hits, here’s how to avoid blowing all your bottlecaps

If you want to…

In case you’ve been living under an irradiated rock, there are a lot of Fallouty things happening this month.…
Fallout TV producer Jonathan Nolan says playing the games disrupted writing The Dark Knight Rises

Fallout TV producer Jonathan…

Amazon’s Fallout adaptation is set to release later this month, and in preparation the cast and crew have started…
The Fallout TV Show’s first settlement is like Fallout 3’s Megaton, but with a “giant pile of trash” instead of the bomb

The Fallout TV Show’s…

Hey you. Remember the town that served as the background to the showdown in that first clip from the…
The Fallout TV Show will aim to show us something the games haven’t – your fellow Vault dwellers living it up right after you leave

The Fallout TV Show…

While we know the Fallout TV show that’s set to drop very soon on Prime Video will feature plenty…
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree’s ESRB listing has plenty of new info for you, if you don’t know what Elden Ring is

Elden Ring Shadow of…

Desperate for more juicy info about Elden Ring‘s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC? Well, the ESRB listing for it…
Ahead of the Fallout TV Show, new fan film gives Fallout 4’s main story the ending it arguably deserved

Ahead of the Fallout…

Warning: Major spoilers for Fallout 4 lie ahead There are a lot of Fallout things coming in the very…
The Elder Scrolls’ least memorable spin-off, Blades, could – and should – have been so much more than it was

The Elder Scrolls’ least…

It turns out that what – at the time – felt like novel fun, was in fact one of…
Phil Spencer is still pining for an Xbox handheld, but some publishers are reportedly unsure if Microsoft’s consoles are worth it

Phil Spencer is still…

You know all that chatter about Xbox and whether it was doing ok earlier this year? Well, coming out…
Bethesda cheekily confirms early builds of The Elder Scrolls 6 are already being played by devs, and they sound pretty fun

Bethesda cheekily confirms early…

We’ve all been waiting to hear more about The Elder Scrolls 6 for years now, and, in a nice…