Squirrels with guns: the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo you didn’t know you needed

Just when we thought we had seen it all, someone has gone ahead and flipped our world upside down using Unreal Engine 5. How’d they do it? Well, they made a UE5 demo initially featuring a cute squirrel running around minding their own business. However, it’s when the squirrel picks up a gun that we were truly won over.

First off we’re treated with our furry friend wrapping their hands around a pistol grip as they carry the loaded sidearm around the little sandbox made for them. Their tiny hands can barely reach the trigger, so we don’t see them let loose any shots. That being said, we do see them run around on their back legs whilst keeping it upright in comedic fashion.

The video really comes into its own when they grab a Mac 10 submachine gun though, as they leap into the air and use the rapid fire to propel themselves upwards. Look, we know everyone is looking at cool Unreal Engine 5 demos and screaming “wow, they should make this into a full game!” but c’mon now, this one surely deserves it. You can check out the video below and you’ll see what we mean.

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