Multiversus is surprisingly shaping up to be a proper Smash Bros. challenger

We’ve recently had some time to mess around in the Multiversus closed alpha test, the upcoming two versus two platform fighter from Player First Games and Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment. In it, players pick one of several iconic characters from the vast and colourful WB vault and team up for some good ol’ fashioned fisticuffs.

So what do we think of this game from our time with this super early version of the title? Well, we like it. Quite a lot actually. For our detailed thoughts, we delve into each aspect of the game below, but you can also check out some footage of the game for yourself embedded below:

The first thing that struck us, even with this early version of Multiversus, is the quality of presentation. The game itself is slickly presented, but also not so serious as to separate itself from some of the more goofy aspects of its cast. Each character is presented wonderfully – making it hard for any of your excitement to be dampened as you find yourself in the colourful character select screen.

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