Introducing a revolutionary new website concept to VG247 – comment section avatars

Hello! It’s been a little over a month now – hopefully you’re still enjoying the new-look VG247, which also has some adjustments to the style of its content and will continue to do so going forward. If you’re one of the people who hated the design when we first launched, I hope you’ve gotten a little more used to it and also that some of our subtle tweaks have helped to fix the things that bothered you. Many of the changes quietly made in the background have been based on your feedback.

Today, we’re launching a revolutionary new concept on VG247. Prepare your soul, because this is earth-shattering new website technology: you can now have a custom user avatar in our comment section. We’ve applied for the copyright to this idea, just like we did when we came up with the now-standard concept of review scores.

Joking apart, right, here’s the deal: we know the comment functionality on VG247 is a little bit bare compared to Disqus, the third-party tool that we had before. But Disqus injects a bunch of advertising-related cookies and the like onto the page that we can’t control, which in turn can slow down the page. It was a faithful tool for many years, but we knew we wanted to replace it with a new thing on the new site.

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