“I’m gonna do something simple, but meaningful” – How a Fallout New Vegas modder memorialised Matthew Perry

“I got into it because I was like, I really want to have a 10mm pistol that can shoot mini-nukes, like, stuff like that,” modder and Fallout content creator Nikki, who goes by the handle Tunnelsnakesfool, tells me.

She adds that after familiarising herself with the fittingly G.E.C.K – Garden of Eden Creation Kit – mod construction set that’s used to create add-ons for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, small, personal mods like those were quickly on the agenda.

Creating these kinds of funny or quirky little mods, the kinds of things that can spice up a playthrough or set you up for an afternoon-long rampage through the wastes that’ll put a cheeky smile on your face is the first step on the ladder for most modders. Because, believe it or not, they’re a great way of fulfilling the other major reason Nikki gives as having driven her desire to get into modding: “wanting to understand what was going on with the games.”

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