Genshin Impact has a vanishing story problem and the desire for a narrative archive is growing

Genshin Impact has a narrative problem. More and more as the hugely popular gacha action RPG gains new updates (and rotates old content out in typical live service fashion), it’s becoming harder and harder to learn about the vast collection of events, characters, and interactions.

The latest product of community frustration towards this problem comes in the form of a concept event archive created by Reddit user Jokohama. This skillfully created portrayal of an in-game archive would allow players to go back and experience previous content currently absent from the game. But why is this important to the playerbase? We reached out to Jokohama to find out.

“ For old players like me, I think going online and reading up to know more about the game is okay, because I want to know more about things I did not discover myself. But the game is still a game, and it is most enjoyable playing it, experiencing it first hand.” Jokohama first started playing Genshin during the first month of its release, and while they themselves haven’t missed a big in-game update, they still see value in going back and experiencing old content.

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