Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree’s been out less than a month and a musical instrument no-hit run is already in the works

We’ve all be enjoying the inevitable array of challenge runs and unorthodox boss kills that’ve come out of Elden Ring‘s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion since it arrived late last month, and the good news is that it doesn’t look like things will be slowing down for a little bit yet. As of right now, for example, there’s a streamer casually prepping to try and deliver what we assume would be the world’s first no-hit run of it using a musical instrument.

Yep, after beating Shadow of the Erdtree in regular fashion with their sax back on July 1, streamer DrDootPhD, formerly DrDecomposing, is now busy training to do a no-hit run of it using the instrument, having previously delivered the world’s first musical no-hit run through the base game last summer.

How’s that training going, you ask? Well, they’ve just managed to beat Messmer to death using their spiky ball fists without taking a hit, so I’d say pretty well, even if you can see by their reaction that they’d had to spend a fair a amount of time bashing their head against the fight during a three-hour stream.

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