DIY PS5 Slim hides a water-cooling brick behind a TV cabinet, almost melts

We all know that the PS5 is a huge, unsightly monster. It’s massive, it’s obnoxious, and it struggles to fit into a lot of people’s dedicated living room furniture. A smaller machine – with the same amount of power – is an oft-demanded improvement, at this point. As rumours about a new “genuine professional controller” swirl, one Youtuber has taken it upon himself to see if a PS5 Slim machine is actually realistic.

YouTuber DIY Perks has heard people calling out for a smaller PlayStation 5 console, and has taken the challenge of reducing the size of the newest PlayStation machine to a much smaller footprint – though it comes with some caveats.

After having built the “world’s first PlayStation 5 Slim” – in a machine only 2cm tall! – DIY Perks posted a video showing off the process behind shrinking the behemoth console into something a little more… compact.

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