Did Epic tempt CD Projekt Red over to Unreal Engine 5 with a “fake” Witcher demo?

Yesterday’s Unreal Engine 5 presentation by Epic Games came with a few surprises: as well as the announcement that Unreal Engine 5 is now available to download for all developers, Epic also played host to the likes of Crystal Dynamics (which announced its new Tomb Raider game) and CD Projekt RED.

We’re hot off the back of March’s announcement that CD Projekt RED is working on a new title in The Witcher series – a title that will be developed using Unreal Engine 5.

This marks a pretty big switch for the folks at the studio, since previously the company had made a pretty big song and dance about using its own proprietary tech, the REDengine. Alex has already exdplored why this is a monumental announcement, and yesterday we got to hear a little about the story behind the engine switch from the devs themselves.

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