Despite its problems, watching the Oscars and its celebration of talent is a breath of fresh air after The Game Awards

We all know the Oscars aren’t perfect. I have plenty of criticisms about them, as do many others, all of which are very deserved. But when you look at something like The Game Awards, you can’t help but think “man, is this what an awards show can look like?” And the Oscars truly isn’t even the best awards show around!

Even this year, it started to play out the Godzilla Minus One team as they made a passionate speech – in English I might add – despite it clearly being difficult, and as they honoured a deceased crewmate. Yet even with that, The Game Awards and its tyrannical ruler Geoff Keighley can’t make you help but feel a bit embarrassed about the state of our industry.

For one, while the Oscars do have ad breaks, they’re just that – breaks. Brief bits of time to get the next portion of the show ready, that aren’t the main focus. Anyone that’s watched The Game Awards knows that: 1.) the ads are really the main thing, and 2.) they’re only really there to promote the ads.

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