Crow Country is so much more than the sum of its Final Fantasy 7 and Resident Evil-inspired polygonal parts, and probably one of the best horror games of the year

You remember Crow Country right? Course you do! It’s that classic ’90s, PSX horror game, the one that’s really expensive on eBay these days because it didn’t print many copies, but YouTubers started making videos about it and now everyone loves it. Yeah, that Crow Country! Or, I guess, not that Crow Country, considering as it’s a game that’s releasing in 2024, and not actually three decades old (sorry, old timers, the ’90s really were that long ago).

It feels like that’s how I should be talking about it, though, because it fits so perfectly within the pantheon of classics like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and all the rest of them.

Crow Country sells itself quite easily. It’s open about the fact that it’s inspired by a fun combo of Resident Evil, its main source of gameplay inspirations, and Final Fantasy 7, which you can see in its toy-like, low-poly character designs. It follows Special Agent Mara Agent, a young woman who’s tasked with a missing person’s case. The stomping grounds? An abandoned theme park. Honestly, I don’t really think I need to say much more than that to catch most people’s interests, but I’m going to tell you what’s so good about this game anyway because I like it a whole lot.

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