
Cast Your Votes for the 8th Annual Bloxy Awards

Each year, we celebrate the creativity, passion, and spirit of the Roblox community in a blowout award ceremony: the annual Bloxy Awards. As our eighth celebration approaches, we have a venue, a date, and a list of nominees. All we need is your voice. Here’s how you can vote now for your favorite nominees.

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Your Ticket to the Metaverse

At a research station somewhere in the Roblox Metaverse, a mysterious craft has landed for repairs. Whose ship is it? What kind of incredible journey is it being prepped for? You’ll have to wait until Saturday, March 27th to find out, but you can explore the craft and station at your leisure right now by jumping into the venue here.

Inside, you’ll find terminals displaying nominees for some of this year’s awards. Select your favorites right there in the experience to cast your votes for six key categories. These include:

Game of the Year

Adopt Me!
Royale High
World // Zero

Best Sleeper Hit

Super Doomspire
The Wild West

Best Game Trailer

Tank Warfare
The Wild West
Tower Defense Simulator

Best New Game


Roblox Video of the Year

ElTrollino – Going from Noob Prison to Maximum Security Prison Pro
FGTeeV – Psycho Pig Music Video
LankyBox – Ultimate Roblox Piggy Song
LOGinHDi – “Dream” Roblox Music Video

Best Video Content Creator


Every vote counts! That’s why every user who casts their ballot before Wednesday, February 17 will receive an “I Voted” pin for their avatar. Display it with pride; you just helped make Roblox history.

Celebrate the Best of Roblox

Between the incredible nominees and the extraordinary new venue, this will be a Bloxys to remember. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more info—including as-yet-unannounced award categories.

Saturday, March 27th, 12 PM PDT. We’ll see you there.

The post Cast Your Votes for the 8th Annual Bloxy Awards appeared first on Roblox Blog.


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