Call of Duty Vanguard: How to unlock Gold, Diamond, and Atomic camos

With every new CoD game we get a whole new range of weapon camos to work towards, and Call of Duty: Vanguard is no different! If you’re trying to show off to the rest of your multiplayer lobby and flex a little, mastery camos are the way to go.

Mastery camos are unlockable skins that you can equip to weapons you invest time in Call of Duty: Vanguard. There are three different types, each progressively harder to obtain, that we’ve listed out below to help you trick out your favourite firearm.

Starting off simple, to unlock the gold weapon camo on a certain gun all you have to do is complete each camo challenge on that gun. There are 10 in total, and once you’ve finished up the final one, the gold camo will automatically unlock. Easy!

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