Acclaimed co-op adventure It Takes Two has now sold five million copies

Co-op platformer It Takes Two was widely praised by critics when it launched last March, even managing to secure a place in many an end-of-year best-of list in 2021; more than that, though, it’s continued to resonate with players, with developer Hazelight Studios now announcing the game has surpassed the five million sales mark across PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

It Takes Two, if you’re unfamiliar, follows the adventures of Cody and May, a human couple preparing to divorce, who are forced to work together after being turned into living dolls. In gameplay terms, that translates to a wonderfully inventive split-screen platformer where careful co-operation is key. And while Eurogamer’s Robert Purchase had reservations about its story in his review, he was still charmed enough by its antics to call it “a rare kind of co-op experience, with an energy and imagination and playfulness that sometimes rivals Nintendo’s.”

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