
Resident Evil Village Hall of Ablution Statues puzzle solution

After finally making it back outside, Ethan Winters takes his next steps in Resident Evil Village by searching the castle annexe, eventually leading to the Hall of Ablution.

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This sanguine bathing chamber plays host to your first real Resident Evil-style puzzle, where you have to twist and manoeuvre the Hall of Ablution statues to open a way forward.

Here’s how to solve the puzzle.

Resident Evil Village Hall of Ablution Statues puzzle solution

As you enter the Hall of Ablution, you’ll see four intricately carved statues around the rim of a bath filled to the brim with blood.

Go to the far wall and take note of the inscription, which reads: “Women are blind to male advances, but the poor shall take their chances to give their bounty sown, so that soon the wine may flow.”

To continue, you now need to turn the statues in the correct way to match the inscription and solve the puzzle. Examine each statue to turn it.

Women are blind to male advances, so go to the top right-hand corner of the room and turn the statue of the woman with the wine glass to her left to face the woman with the wine bottle.

Next, the poor shall take their chances, so turn the three men, who’re begging, to face the lord on the horse.

Finally, the wine needs to flow, which means the lady with the glass needs her cup filled. Head over to the woman with the wine bottle and turn her to her right so she faces the other woman holding the wine glass.

To sum up:

  • The two women need to face each other
  • Then the three men need to face the lord on the horse

Completing this sequence lets the ‘wine’ flow right out of the bathtub and reveals a secret staircase. To continue, go down the stairs, take a right, then go down the ladder you find there.

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