Nintendo Switch Sports review: a simple, formulaic nostalgia-fest – and one of the most fun games of the year

Let’s not mince words. Wii Sports is one of the best and most important games of all time. Sure, over time it became a poster-child for ‘waggle’, a breed of motion control where it often feels like your movements don’t really matter as long as you’re giving the controller a shake – but for a few years there, back in the mid-2000s, this was the little game that could.

Moreover, it ruled. There was a reason people were over-excitedly flinging their controllers through their expensive new 720p flat-screen TVs with such frequency that Nintendo had to invent dumb little flak jackets for the Wii Remote – it was engaging. People were getting so into it that they’d move their body way more than they needed to, and then a slight loosening of grip, and… whoops!

A fatigue quickly built up, though. There was a real cavalcade of rubbish that aimed to scoop that massive Wii Sports audience; so we got guff like Wii Play and Wii Party, 2K’s Carnival games, and loads else besides. Then the actual follow-up, Wii Sports Resort, pulled a classic Nintendo move and required a stupid, expensive accessory to play. That killed that game for me; Wii Sports was best multiplayer, and there was no way I was buying four of those things. A detour on the Wii U is forgotten, as the Wii U itself is.

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