Yep, it’s possible to do a full run of Elden Ring without dealing a single point of damage

Elden Ring is a tough game. Unless you’ve been living under a turtle for the last few months, you alread know this. The latest game coming from the sadistic minds of developer From Software is infamously tough, designed to make you fight bosses over and over again until you’re good enough to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat by the skin of your chattering teeth.

So imagine our surprise when we saw a video claiming that you can beat the game without doing a single point of damage yourself. We didn’t believe it. We thought it was a joke. How would that be possibe? Well, Youtuber Iron Pineapple has gone above and beyond to show us how.

Thanks to some impeccable game design and a commitment to letting players, really, do what they want when it comes to builds and system-juggling, Elden Ring lets you beat even some of the most hardcore bosses in the game without laying a hand (directly) on them.

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