
Xbox Games with Gold December: The Raven Remastered, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, more

By Stephany Nunneley, Tuesday, 24 November 2020 16:38 GMT

Xbox Games with Gold for December have been announced for Xbox One and Xbox 360.

December’s Xbox Games with Gold have been announced, and the games are The Raven Remastered, Bleed 2, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, and Stacking.

The Raven Remastered will be available on Xbox One the entire month of December and Bleed 2 will arrive on December 16 and be available until January 15.

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell will available on Xbox One and Xbox 360 December 1-15. Stacking will arrive on the service on December 16 and can be downloaded until December 31.

In the meantime, you still have November 30 to download and play Aragami: Shadow Edition and Lego Indiana Jones.

Swimsanity will be available until December 15.

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