
With Follower Quests, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak could finally capture a dedicated single-player audience

For most people, Monster Hunter isn’t the first series that springs to mind when you think ‘single-player game’. Though there’s a lot of stuff in the action titles that you can do on your own, the series is usually thought of as a cooperative affair; get some mates, sharpen your weapons, bash some skulls. Rinse, loot, carve, repeat.

With Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreaka massive new expansion landing on the PC and Switch game from June 30 – it looks like Capcom is trying to change that. As well as a new difficulty mode, new (and returning) monsters, a new hub area, new maps, and new gear, you will also get chance to enjoy Follower Quests: single-player only affairs that see you heading into battle accompanied by NPCs from the world of Rise.

These characters will help you hunt, just like normal human players would – except, as we found after going hands-on with the title – sometimes these characters are better than human helpers. Each follower – you can unlock multiple on your run through Sunbreak’s story – will utilise a distinct fighting style. Some characters (like Hinoa and Minoto) will return from Rise’s main story, but some will be newcomers for Sunbreak’s new Elgado hub.

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