
Witcher 3 mod lets you explore the first Witcher game’s Vizima, less than a day after REDkit made it possible

Ok, so it’s been less than 24 hours since CD Projekt let folks get their hands on The Witcher 3‘s new REDkit modding tools. Naturally, someone’s already had a go at porting the bunch of areas that make up the city of Vizima in The first Witcher game into 3.

If you’re out of the loop, REDKIT is designed to give folks modding CDPR’s masterpiece more power than ever before, with access to a lot of the same tools the studio orginally used to create the game itself. That includes the ability to do stuff like create new quests, or as is key in this case, add in entire new territories.

So, the latter’s exactly what modder AngryCatster’s tried with some of the maps from the first Witcher game, porting them across into TW3 just to see how things look. While they admit that this is “fairly low-effort attempt” at bringing these areas to the newer game, what they’ve ended up with is essentially an empty version of Vizima that Geralt can explore.

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