Two Point Campus is even better than its predecessor – hands-on preview

Theme Hopsital is one of my favorite games of all time. It’s just one of those games to me where even a couple of bars of its iconic music sends a wave of nostalgia through me – and so I was naturally thrilled when, after decades, the game got a spiritual successor: Two Point Hospital.

Back in 2018, pre-release, I was thrilled. I called Two Point Hospital “a truly worthy successor to an all-time great” – and I meant it. But, at the same time, there was something that took me by surprise in the final release; I didn’t love it quite as much as Theme Hospital. I found myself drifting back to the original, which is playable in high resolutions on modern hardware via a fan remake called CorsixTH. I went into Two Point Campus cautiously optimistic, then. And I’m walking away buoyed by a simple fact: this feels more like a successor to Theme Hospital.

Let me explain. While I loved Two Point Hospital, in many ways it felt like the most simple and safe spiritual successor one could design. It took Theme Hospital and recreated it with modern technology and conveniences, but in some sense it felt like an echo of something great that came before. Two Point Campus is the best of both worlds; it slavishly pays respect to its roots, but also owns its new premise whole-heartedly. The result is a game that feels like it has more of the magic that made Theme Hospital great.

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