A free demo has launched on the Switch eShop for Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise, an upcoming fitness title from Nintendo and developer Imagineer.
The demo will give players the chance to try out the Daily Exercise and Free Training modes available in the full game. You can play these alone or with a friend to see how you get on before the main course launches on 4th December.
Earlier today, we shared our early hands-on impressions with the full game, noting that it’s essentially a case of ‘more of the same’ after the original game‘s release almost two years ago. If you’re interested in learning more about it, we’d urge you to check that out.
For now, though, we’ll leave you with this official description. You’ll find the demo available on the Switch eShop as we speak.
Jab, uppercut, and dodge along with the rhythm of three original songs to score as many points as possible. Players can start their daily boxing routine in Daily Exercise mode for a guided workout, or build their own session from scratch in Free Training mode. The six original instructors from the first Fitness Boxing game are back, and three new instructors are joining the ring: Karen, Hiro and Janice. These personal trainers will be here to support and encourage players during their workout sessions. Friends and family members can each use one Joy-Con for a two-player training session, working out together.