Tom Hanks looks creepy as hell in Here, a film that spans centuries where the camera doesn’t move even once

Here, an odd looking new film from the director of Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks, has received its first trailer and it looks… static.

A fairly common thing amongst most films, I’m sure you’ve probably noticed by now, is that they normally feature lots of different camera angles. Some might stay with one particular shot for a while, they might move around a lot, there could be lots of cuts, or it could just be presented as a one take. But generally, the camera will move. With Robert Zemeckis’ upcoming Here, though, it’s a whole different story, as in the first trailer for it – which you can check out below – you can see that the entire film will be shot from one camera angle. Yes, it’s quite an odd choice, but it’s based on a graphic novel of the same name by Richard McGuire, which does the exact same thing, so it’s not like Zemeckis is straying far from the source material.

It stars Hanks, a regular collaborator of Zemeckis’, alongside Robin Wright, who all previously worked together on the aforementioned Forrest Gump. As you can tell from the trailer, the story spans multiple centuries of time, all the way back to when the dinosaurs walked the earth, up to when we meet our main characters, Richard and Margaret (Hanks and Wright respectively), and over the course of what looks to be their entire lives. As you can also tell from the trailer, Hanks and Wright have been subjected to de-aging technology, and yeah, as always it looks creepy.

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