
This Superbowl Sunday, let us pray once again for a true successor to the sports game GOAT – NFL Blitz

It’s that time of year again – ‘the big game’ is upon us. Some watch for the football, some for the commercials, or half time – or just the crazy spectacle in general. While I am an NFL fan and will be rooting for the 49ers tonight (anyone but the Chiefs), my thoughts are preoccupied the same way they are every time American Football steals all the headlines: on Blitz.

NFL Blitz is, without a doubt, one of if not the greatest sports game ever made. That team at Midway is what in sporting terms we’d call a ‘dynasty’, in fact – because the only thing that can stand up to Blitz is NBA Jam – made by pretty much the same creative group.

The thing that makes Blitz stand-out special is its attitude towards American Football – the idea that it’s a representation of the sport that is in the spirit of its traditions and laws, even while absolutely being about a million miles removed from the letter of the law. Blitz understands that it is a videogame – and so the rules of the game are tweaked or even tossed out entirely to give you something that represents the most exciting plays of any given NFL season – over and over again, designed to sap quarters from your pocket.

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