
The latest big thing in the Destiny 2 community? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

If you’ve been hanging around the Destiny 2 subreddit over the past few days, you may have noticed the latest thing taking the community by storm. This time around, everyone’s got their thinking hats on as they try to determine the outcome of PvP scenarios in “Who Wants to Be a Glimmillionaire”.

This, of course, is a play on the famous game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, where a question and four potential answers are presented to contestants in the hopes they can figure out the correct option. In this newfound Destiny 2 version, the community has had to take a look at a bizarre or ambiguous PvP scenario and determine what the outcome will be.

This all comes from the mind of Reddit user No_Consequence_9647, a longtime Bungie fan who has been invested in the series since the original Destiny. With the sci-fi FPS as their main game ever since they got their hands on it, No_Consequence started creating gaming related YouTube content alongside another friend they met 16 years ago.

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