
The Catch-Up: What Team VG247 played in the holidays

What’s that? Work? It’s January already? Excuse the bleary eyes, and the inability to get up when the alarm goes off. We’re still in Christmas mode. As we bed back in to working life bringing you all the hot video game coverage and all that, we thought we’d take a few moments to scoot around the team (except for Sherif, who is still off, the lucky sod) and let you all know what we’ve been playing over the holidays.

What games did you play during the break? Sound off in the comments…!

I have to be honest – this wasn’t the biggest holiday season for me from a video game perspective. We’ve just had a baby, so as you can imagine, Christmas was busy with family and friends ramming into the house to see the new arrival. I also built a whole lot of Lego. With that said, I found time for a few things.

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