Tag: Xbox Series X

Hitman 3 owners can play Sapienza free for the next 10 days

Hitman 3 owners can…

Now through next week and into the weekend, all Hitman 3 players can play the fan-favorite map Sapienza for…
Greedfall’s new expansion and Gold Edition are coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S

Greedfall’s new expansion and…

Greedfall players can soon enjoy a new story expansion for the game, and new-gen owners will be able to…
VG247’s Definitely Not a Podcast Video Chat – Mario Golf, Chivalry 2, Scarlet Nexus, and Pokemon Cards

VG247’s Definitely Not a…

As we move forward with VG247 and look ahead to a site redesign, we plan to roll out a…
Destiny 2 players will soon get more weapons from Dreaming City and the Moon

Destiny 2 players will…

Bungie will release more weapons from Forsaken and Shadowkeep into the game. Back in January, Bungie announced that four…
Chivalry 2 is the online multiplayer brawler I didn’t know I needed

Chivalry 2 is the…

Having more or less given up on online shooters, it seems all I needed was a sword and some…
D&D Dark Alliance | Where to find Dwarven Mugs in Icewind Dale

D&D Dark Alliance |…

Dwarven Mugs are a collectible item in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance. Several quests feature optional objectives to collect…
Borderlands 3 cross-play arrives alongside the return of the Cartels event

Borderlands 3 cross-play arrives…

The Revengence of Revenge of the Cartels event is live in Borderlands 3. Alongside the event, the Borderlands 3…
Apex Legends Genesis Collection Event features original maps for Kings Canyon and World’s Edge

Apex Legends Genesis Collection…

Apex Legenda players can soon participate in the new limited-time collection event, Genesis. Kicking off June 29 and running…
Kerbal Space Program arrives on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S this fall

Kerbal Space Program arrives…

Private Division has announced a Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S later…
Overwatch, Saints Row 4, and Vermintide 2 are free to play on Xbox this weekend

Overwatch, Saints Row 4,…

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Xbox Live Gold members have three games they can play for free this weekend.…