Tag: Warner Bros. Games Montreal

Gotham Knights studio supporting Wonder Woman game

Gotham Knights studio supporting…

Gotham Knights studio WB Games Montreal is supporting development on the forthcoming Wonder Woman game. Led by Monolith Productions,…
Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad updates teased for DC FanDome in October

Gotham Knights and Suicide…

It’s been a hot minute since we’ve heard anything substantial about WB Games Montreal’s Gotham Knights, which was delayed…
Gotham Knights trailer shows Batgirl kicking some backsides

Gotham Knights trailer shows…

A new trailer for Gotham Knights has been released starring Batgirl kicking some serious butt. In the video, there…
Gotham Knights trailer takes a closer look at Nightwing

Gotham Knights trailer takes…

Now that most other major titles got pushed back to 2023, Gotham Knights has become one of this year’s…
Gotham Knights will reportedly no longer receive Russian-language version

Gotham Knights will reportedly…

According to a new report, the Russian version of Gotham Knights has been cancelled. This claim comes from The…
Warner Bros

Warner Bros. Montreal changes…

After some controversy regarding Batgirl’s biography in relation to her paralysis recovery in Gotham Knights, details have been changed…
Gotham Knights will reportedly release without Russian voicework or subtitles

Gotham Knights will reportedly…

The Russian version of Gotham Knights has allegedly been cancelled. That’s according to The Happy Warrior, which says sources…
Gotham Knights gameplay analysis: Examining combat, crafting, and traversal

Gotham Knights gameplay analysis:…

In early May, we saw Red Hood and Nightwing take centre stage in a blowout new Gotham Knights gameplay…
Gotham Knights’ store page suggests the game might now have four-player co-op

Gotham Knights’ store page…

Gotham Knights might let you play with up to four players online, despite so far being advertised as allowing…