Tag: Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy version 4

Tower of Fantasy version…

Hello, Wanderers, or should I say, Authorizers? Welcome back! I’m SKY, the lead designer at Hotta Studio of Perfect…
Tower of Fantasy × Evangelion collaboration details revealed

Tower of Fantasy ×…

Hi, all the Wanderers, welcome back! I’m Sky, the lead designer at Hotta Studio of Perfect World Games. Brace…
Tower of Fantasy review: Genshin Impact’s newest rival will be lucky to survive the winter

Tower of Fantasy review:…

Tower of Fantasy seemed to ignite in hype and popularity overnight, right? Sure, those invested in this particular brand…
Surprise! Anime characters and Hitler dominate Tower of Fantasy’s create-a-character library

Surprise! Anime characters and…

Tower of Fantasy has been popping off in a major way since its launch last week, with the character…