Tag: The Matrix Resurrections

Drew Goddard is great, but his Matrix needs to be special to avoid being exactly what Resurrections warned against

Drew Goddard is great,…

A fifth Matrix movie is happening against all expectations and Resurrections’ rather bland box office performance (admittedly affected by…
I really hope Resurrections leads to a Matrix video game revival

I really hope Resurrections…

The existence of a fourth Matrix movie has awakened something in me. I always knew I liked those movies…
You can pre-load The Matrix Awakens Unreal tech demo on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S now

You can pre-load The…

It’s official: The Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 tech demo is real – and it’s available for you to…
The Matrix Awakens is an Unreal Engine 5 experience coming to PS5, according to leak

The Matrix Awakens is…

Some sort of tie-in between The Matrix Resurrections and Unreal Engine 5 is coming to PS5 and it’s called…