Tag: The Elder Scrolls: Arena

Bethesda cheekily confirms early builds of The Elder Scrolls 6 are already being played by devs, and they sound pretty fun

Bethesda cheekily confirms early…

We’ve all been waiting to hear more about The Elder Scrolls 6 for years now, and, in a nice…
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Should You Focus On Just The Main Story?

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth:…

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has finally arrived. The second installment of Square Enix’s attempt to remake one of the…
Bethesda adds older Elder Scrolls titles to Steam and they are free to play

Bethesda adds older Elder…

Betheda has made a few of its older games free to play on Steam, so if you haven’t given…
Sick of playing Skyrim? Soon you’ll be able to enjoy the first two Elder Scrolls games on Steam, instead

Sick of playing Skyrim?…

“A lone prisoner must travel to Tamriel’s most famous and dangerous sites to collect the shattered Staff of Chaos,…