Tag: survival

Palworld is the Pokémon this sinful world deserves

Palworld is the Pokémon…

Let's be honest, if Pokémon were real today, we'd have Pikachu power stations, Poliwraths flushing fatbergs from our sewers,…
Palworld becomes second game in Steam history to hit more than 2 million concurrent players

Palworld becomes second game…

Palworld guides (Image credit: Pocket Pair) Best Pals: What to catch early Palworld incubator: How to hatch eggs Pal…
How to find Palworld kindling and other work suitabilities

How to find Palworld…

If you're trying to figure out how the heck to find kindling in Palworld, what you're actually looking for…
I hope Palworld inspires a vibrant new survival crafting subgenre: Little base buddies management

I hope Palworld inspires…

Palworld probably isn't going to have a meaningful impact on the direction of Pokémon games long term, but it…
Palworld Type chart: How strengths and weaknesses work

Palworld Type chart: How…

The Type chart in Palworld is a flowchart that shows which elements—or Types—are weak or strong against others. This…
How to unlock the door inside the Hunter Vault in Enshrouded

How to unlock the…

You don't need to solve the Hunter Vault puzzle in Enshrouded to retrieve the NPC helper, but if you're…
How to craft the grappling hook in Enshrouded

How to craft the…

The grappling hook is a tool that you can craft early on in Enshrouded. Not only does it give…
Palworld players uncovered an exploit for capturing bosses and turning them into party members

Palworld players uncovered an…

It turns out that one of the best pals to catch early on in Palworld is actually, somehow, one…
Palworld multiplayer: how to join your friends online

Palworld multiplayer: how to…

As is the case with so many survivalcraft games, Palworld is great for chilling, grinding, and crafting with your…
AI Palworld accusations are currently based on vibes, a social deduction game, and the CEO’s past tweets about machine-generated fakémon

AI Palworld accusations are…

Palworld has come under fire for its bootleg Pokémon aesthetic, with some commenters even cross-referencing models like amateur detectives…