Tag: Strategy

Tactics Ogre: Reborn can’t stop leaking, as release date and details appear online

Tactics Ogre: Reborn can’t…

Tactics Ogre: Reborn, a remastered version of the remake of the original game, has had a number of details…
Tactics Ogre: Reborn release date, screenshots and more leak online

Tactics Ogre: Reborn release…

Tactics Ogre: Reborn – one of the worst-kept secrets in video games – launches on 11th November on PlayStation…
Kirby’s Avalanche, Fighter’s History, and Daiva Story 6 added to Nintendo Switch Online

Kirby’s Avalanche, Fighter’s History,…

Three classic games have been added to the Nitendo Switch Online library. The titles are NES game Daiva Story…
Into the Breach, one of the Switch’s best strategy games, just got even better

Into the Breach, one…

Into the Breach is an all-timer. An easy 5/5 from me. It’s deceptive how much strategy and forethought a…
Mini Motorways – untangling the world’s cities

Mini Motorways – untangling…

My daughter’s recently started playing Mini Motorways. It’s delightful stuff, and it makes me see her afresh. It’s fun…
As Dusk Falls, Inside, the best Watch Dogs game and more coming to Xbox Game Pass soon

As Dusk Falls, Inside,…

It’s the middle of the month, just about, which means a fresh wave of Xbox Game Pass games, this…
Frosty games to cool you down during a heatwave

Frosty games to cool…

Please stay cool today and drink lots of liquids! And stay indoors if you can – it’s absolutely baking…
From Cyberpunk 2077 to Animal Crossing, Realism is an underlying part of video games

From Cyberpunk 2077 to…

What do Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Cyberpunk 2077 have in common? The answer is obvious, you might reply:…
Company of Heroes 3 release date set for November, and you can play part of the North African Operation early

Company of Heroes 3…

Relic Entertainment and SEGA have announced a release date for Company of Heroes 3. You will be able to…
Company of Heroes 3 will eschew the notion of a “war without hate”

Company of Heroes 3…

At the risk of simply repeating some marketing blurb, “Humanising the battlefield” is apparently one of Relic’s three key…