
Tag: raw fury

Knights in Tight Spaces review

Knights in Tight Spaces…

Knights in Tight Spaces expands on every part of the Fights in Tight Spaces template, but an abundance of…
Xbox Game Pass’ additions for September are basically Christmas for lovably boring prats who revel in the thrills of the simulated commute

Xbox Game Pass’ additions…

STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING. I know, I say that a lot – certainly more than I should to readers…
Xbox Game Pass titles for September include big rigs in space

Xbox Game Pass titles…

Microsoft is kicking off the cooler months with its next batch of Xbox Game Pass titles. Day one additions…
You might have missed these games being announced for Xbox Game Pass at Gamescom 2024

You might have missed…

Gamescom Opening Night Live was yesterday, and there was a bunch of news for those who’ve got an Xbox…
Here’s the next batch of Xbox Game Pass games for August

Here’s the next batch…

Microsoft has confirmed the next batch of titles headed to Xbox Game Pass for the latter half of August:…
Knights in Tight Spaces brings fantasy RPG trappings to a Roguelike core, and they make a significant difference

Knights in Tight Spaces…

I liked Fights in Tight Spaces. It mashed together two things I’m fond of: Roguelike deck-builders and badass secret…
Post Trauma is a survival horror that stubbornly refuses to give you any answers, and I like that a lot

Post Trauma is a…

There’s a hand reaching out of the toilet in the women’s lavatory, groping around in the air like it…
The double-act of Raw Fury and Kingdom shines like a lighthouse across an industry floundering at sea

The double-act of Raw…

I still remember it well: I was at EGX 2015 in Birmingham, and one game turned my head like…
What we’ve been playing – kingdoms, underworlds and caped crusaders

What we’ve been playing…

Hello! Welcome back to our regular feature where we write a little bit about some of the games we’ve…
Norco studio announces android investigation adventure Silenus with “experimental” demo

Norco studio announces android…

Geography of Robots – the developer behind 2022’s acclaimed narrative adventure Norco – has revealed its new project, Silenus,…