Tag: Product & Tech

Skinned Meshes: A Visual Showcase

Skinned Meshes: A Visual…

New and exciting developments are always coming to Roblox. The latest is that Skinned Meshes are now available for…
Expanding the Developer Marketplace

Expanding the Developer Marketplace

We are entering a new era of sharing UGC content on the Roblox platform. For a long time, games…
Delivering Large-Scale Platform Reliability

Delivering Large-Scale Platform Reliability

Running any scalable distributed platform demands a commitment to reliability, to ensure customers have what they need when they…
Layers of Genius Behind Layered Clothing

Layers of Genius Behind…

After two years of hard work, this morning we formally launched our new Layered Clothing system, which enables clothing…
Real Time Facial Animation for Avatars

Real Time Facial Animation…

Facial expression is a critical step in Roblox’s march towards making the metaverse a part of people’s daily lives…