Tag: Pop Culture

Everyone should just chill about the Superman costume reveal because we’ve been here before

Everyone should just chill…

It appears that everyone has very strong feelings, positive or negative, about the Superman (2025) costume reveal that James…
A new, Gollum-centric Lord of the Rings movie is coming, and we can only hope it’s better than the game

A new, Gollum-centric Lord…

Hey, remember when Embracer gobbled up Middle-earth Enterprises and the rights to both The Lord of the Rings and…
The new offshoot The Office series is now ordered, and its premise sounds enticing and eerily relevant

The new offshoot The…

The new offshoot series set in The Office universe (whatever that entails) is now a go at Peacock, and…
The new Twisters trailer reminds us star-driven disaster movies might be back, and Glen Powell sure sells it

The new Twisters trailer…

Climate change is very much real and we’re constantly feeling its effects even if we’re not paying much attention…
Final Fantasy’s Yoshitaka Amano and Ghost in The Shell’s director’s weird as hell film about anime Jesus is getting the 4K remaster treatment

Final Fantasy’s Yoshitaka Amano…

Angel’s Egg, an anime you probably haven’t heard of from the director of Ghost in the Shell and OG…
Blade Runner 2099 might be an Amazon exclusive, but its lead cast member will take it everywhere all at once

Blade Runner 2099 might…

Blade Runner 2099 might still be a bit of a mysterious project, but it’s just cast Michelle Yeoh in…
After some box office misses, Marvel is slowing down its output to a couple of films and series a year

After some box office…

The MCU hasn’t been doing so hot recently, even if it is still making lots of money, so Marvel…
Love original animated Disney movies? Too bad, Bob Iger says they plan to “lean on sequels” for a while

Love original animated Disney…

Don’t get your hopes up for more unique animated Disney films, as it sounds like the house of mouse…
Love Magic: The Gathering? Why not check out this manga all about it that’s somehow been running for six years that’s finally getting translated

Love Magic: The Gathering?…

Yu-Gi-Oh! obviously originally started life as a manga, but an English-language translation of a Magic: The Gathering manga is…
Magic The Gathering’s ‘Universes Beyond’ tie-ins are synergistic gaming perfection

Magic The Gathering’s ‘Universes…

To me, Wizards of the Coast is the company that made the Pokemon Trading Card Game. That probably speaks…