Tag: Pocketpair

Palworld player uncovers secret Mewtwo-like hidden in the game files that looks too legally actionable even for Palworld

Palworld player uncovers secret…

I've heard it said that Palworld's pals bear more than a passing resemblance to Pokémon. Is Wumpo Botan actually…
Palworld warns of app store clone that could risk your personal data

Palworld warns of app…

A mobile version of Palworld has appeared on the Apple App Store, said to be coming soon – but…
I accidentally bred one of the rarest Palworld pals, but they have the most ridiculous stats

I accidentally bred one…

Please say hello to my new favorite pal, who I've named Cake Boss Kitsun. This rare elemental fox has…
Three great Palworld base locations to settle down in

Three great Palworld base…

You might not consider the best base locations in Palworld until you unlock the option to place a second…
Palworld Pokémon mod returns with “legally-distinct pocket creatures” after Nintendo takedown

Palworld Pokémon mod returns…

We all knew Nintendo would come after the Palworld Pokémon mod, but its modder has quickly struck back with…
Fancy becoming a Palworld Tony Hawk? All you need is a Chillet and a skatepark

Fancy becoming a Palworld…

If you’re looking for ways to spice up your Palworld experience and happen to be fond of a little…
Palworld’s suddenly everyone’s favourite game, but for the love of Garfield, please stop that cat from meowing

Palworld’s suddenly everyone’s favourite…

Palworld has had an exceptional launch. The monster-collecting meets survival-crafting game has garnered millions of sales and managed to…
Did you know you can capture Palworld pals via mind control?

Did you know you…

If you were wondering whether it’s possible to play Palworld with just your mind, one streamer has proven that…
Palworld is working on a patch to address cheaters

Palworld is working on…

Palworld developer Pocketpair has apologised to fans affected by cheating in Palworld, admitting that “it is currently difficult to…
Palworld vs

Palworld vs. Nintendo, Holodeck…

It’s already been eight whole years since Final Fantasy XV, and its ending still gets us all choked up…