Tag: Perfect Dark Reboot

7 bizarre Easter Eggs from across the Perfect Dark series

7 bizarre Easter Eggs…

Perfect Dark has been in the news quite a lot recently. First there was the impressive gameplay reveal for…
After Perfect Dark’s reboot rocked up at the Xbox showcase, the original drops on Switch today

After Perfect Dark’s reboot…

Well, there we go. After we got a fresh look at the Perfect Dark reboot for the first time…
For Xbox, could this year finally be the one where it all pays off?

For Xbox, could this…

This week on the Eurogamer Newscast, we discuss everything shown at the Xbox Showcase last night: one of the…
Rewatch the highlights from this weekend’s showcases

Rewatch the highlights from…

Considering E3 is dead, an awful lot of it happened over the weekend and quite honestly, it feels like…
The Best Games of Not E3 2024 – all the good stuff, none of the rubbish from Summer Game Fest, Xbox, Day of the Devs, Wholesome Direct, and more

The Best Games of…

Considering E3 is dead, an awful lot of it happened over the weekend. There were hours and hours of…
Xbox pulls off the best E3 showcase in years, it’s a pity that both brands died before it could happen

Xbox pulls off the…

Here’s how things stand re Xbox: strictly speaking, there’s no longer any such thing as an Xbox exclusive, and…
Perfect Dark finally makes a return at the Xbox showcase with a brand-new gameplay trailer

Perfect Dark finally makes…

Taking place in LA during Summer Game Fest 2024, the game has not been seen since its initial reveal…
Perfect Dark report claims things are in a “very rough state” after years of set-backs and other development woes

Perfect Dark report claims…

A new report states the Perfect Dark reboot is again experiencing development issues, with sources going so far as…