Tag: Kraven the Hunter

“These are not terrible films” – Sony Pictures’ CEO just doesn’t get why nobody wanted to watch Spider-Man films that don’t have Spider-Man in them

“These are not terrible…

We all know that Sony’s live-action Spider-Verse is a hot mess, but Sony Pictures’ CEO doesn’t get why they…
One Of The Weirdest Movie Moments Of 2024 Happened In A Film Nobody Watched

One Of The Weirdest…

A bizarrely quiet and slightly squeaking scream in the middle of Kraven The Hunter is one of the weirdest…
Ahead of Kraven the Hunter’s release this week, a new report claims what we already know: Sony’s live action Spider-Verse is dead

Ahead of Kraven the…

Kraven the Hunter isn’t even out yet, but a new report has made it pretty clear that Sony is…
Sure, Kraven the Hunter has plenty of brutal violence and high-octane action, but if you ask Aaron Taylor-Johnson, it’s a, uh, “family drama” too

Sure, Kraven the Hunter…

Kraven the Hunter, whether it ends up being good or not, can at least promise violence, action, and… a…
Fancy watching the first eight minutes of Kraven the Hunter for free? Of course you don’t, but here it is anyway

Fancy watching the first…

In Sony’s latest bid to get you to buy some tickets to see Kraven the Hunter, it’s released the…
Kraven the Hunter’s director would really like it if you all just forgot about those rubbish recent Sony Spider-Man films for a minute and “give our film a chance”

Kraven the Hunter’s director…

Everyone knows how awful Sony’s Spider-Man-less Spider-Verse has been, but the director of Kraven the Hunter thinks you should…
Spider-Man spin-off Kraven the Hunter’s latest trailer shows us a man getting his arms ripped off by wolves..

Spider-Man spin-off Kraven the…

The latest trailer for Sony’s newest Spider-Man film sans Spider-Man, Kraven the Hunter, is here, and there’s plenty of…
Whether it pans out or not, Aaron Taylor-Johnson would be a great James Bond

Whether it pans out…

Believe it or not, it’s been more than 2 years and a half now since 007: No Time to…