
Tag: guide

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | May Day Maze 2021 solution

Animal Crossing: New Horizons…

It’s May Day this Saturday, and to Animal Crossing: New Horizons players, this means the return of the May…
Nier Replicant: how to get all 5 Endings, including the new Ending E

Nier Replicant: how to…

Many of the things featured and beloved in Nier Automata were actually pulled from the previous titles of Nier…
This quick Outriders farm will turn a starting weapon into an endgame monster

This quick Outriders farm…

Outriders players have discovered an even faster way to farm good assault rifles. Since the release of Outriders, players…
The best Outriders tips that are actually helpful

The best Outriders tips…

Outriders is one of those games that can be easy to overlook. It’s another shooter RPG with numbers flying…
Animal Crossing: New Horizons cherry blossom season | Full recipes list

Animal Crossing: New Horizons…

It’s April 1st, and if you’re already tired of dodging April Fool’s pranks, here’s something wholesome to focus on…
Pokemon Go Ditto disguises list 2021: how to catch a Ditto & understanding Ditto spawns

Pokemon Go Ditto disguises…

One of the most elusive Pokemon remains the shape shifting critter Ditto – and in Pokemon Go, that can…
Pokemon Go Easter event: start time & rewards including Mega Lopunny, Shiny Bunnelby, Flower Crown Pokemon, more

Pokemon Go Easter event:…

As we all know, major real-world dates and events don’t pass by in Pokemon Go without being commemorated –…
It Takes Two Kaleidoscope Puzzle Room – How to cross the gap

It Takes Two Kaleidoscope…

Stuck wondering how to get across to the other side of the room in It Takes Two’s Kaleidoscope area?…
Pokemon Go Wurmple Evolution: how to evolve Wurmple into Silcoon, Cascoon, Beautifly and Dustox

Pokemon Go Wurmple Evolution:…

In the world of Pokemon, the vast majority of creatures evolve in the same way. This varies from game…
Pokemon Go Eevee Evolution: how to evolve into Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon

Pokemon Go Eevee Evolution:…

With so many evolutions to choose from, you want to make sure that you get your favorite – so…